Sunday, December 27, 2009

Revenge of the Nail, free online!

Hey everyone! Great news!

The short film, Revenge of the Nail, is finally available online!

The film that took Fitchburg by storm, and has played at multiple film festivals already, is finally available for you to watch online.

Enjoy! Watch it twice! Then tell all your friends!

Have a RotN day!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Revenge of the Nail @

Indieflix is a great new distribution alternative. They are fast, helpful, and friendly. They promise the filmmaker at least 70% of every sale!

After Revenge of the Nail played at the Boston Film Festival, Indieflix acquired the rights to distribute it. It is totally nonexclusive and the filmmaker keeps all the rights to the film.

However, now you can finally see Revenge of the Nail! They are selling DVDs (currently going for $5.95 a piece) as well as offering a VOD option for $1.95.

You can check it out here.

Enjoy! and if you like it, spread the word!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

The last bits of Liz

Hey RotN Readers,

"Liz" will exist soon.

At least, the film will.

We've locked picture, and now we're performing grading for it. This is a long technical process of trying to get the images to look as good as possible. Greg Nazarian, the Director of Photography, is doing all this work, using Apple's Color. Since we cut on Final Cut Pro, it makes sense to use Color for grading since it will round trip between the programs very smoothly.

We're also currently doing the sound mix. Tim Ahern is doing this work. He's using ProTools, one of the best programs in existence for general sound work. He's making good progress on the sound. ADR has been recorded for one of the scenes, and that went very well. Recording was done by Andrew Finley.

We're also working on a score. This score will be by Andrew Alden, a promising young composer. He's using Logic, Finale, and Reason to craft the sounds.

If everything goes well with these three steps, a completed cut should be in existence by the new year. Then it's off to festivals, and hopefully to your eyes!